Sunday, October 28, 2012

Time to get a new plastic surgeon?

Dear Dr. Lee,

Let's talk revision.

Last Thursday, Oct. 25th I had an appointment to see you. I waited 45 minutes until I was called in and I was met by one of your assistants. I really wanted you to see my reconstructed right breast.

When I saw you on the 18th, the implant was starting to look rather good. I was pleased and excited to augment my natural breast on the left. I know, breasts are sisters, not twins. I have no misconceptions about the results. My next appointment is on Nov. 29th to discuss my third surgery in December.

The following day as I was getting dressed I leaned over and glanced in the mirror. I was shocked and appalled to see my breast hanging like a sack of beans. Across the top and the outside were a series of deep grooves, or ripples, maybe 8 or nine. They looked hideous and unreal. They were not as visible when I stood up straight. This was not what I expected!

You told me that there might be some minor lack of fullness across the top and perhaps some wrinkling which could be fixed with the addition of fat liposuctioned from my abdomen.  I was also told not to hesitate to come back if I had any questions, concerns, or for any reason.

I took a dozen pictures of the deformation and emailed them to Hailey. She never responded. Things were getting worse. Now you could see the upper semi circle  edge of the implant below my pec creating a double bubble effect. The implant has slipped below the inframammary incision. The nipple has fallen and slipped to the right. It is not on the same plane as the natural one on the left. I am headed toward ptosis. (see pictures attached).

You and I have talked ad infinitum about lowering expectations. I am not unreasonable; I know I will never look “normal” again. I was hoping for the best results possible, which is why I turned to you, the best plastic surgeon in Orlando. But this is atrocious. I cannot go through the rest of my life looking like Elsie the cow. This is completely unsatisfactory and unacceptable.

Your PA reminded repeatedly me that I had breast cancer (Thank you so much, I almost forgot!) She frequently repeated that I had a mastectomy and had no breast tissue left. (I know I was there when Dr. Smith excavated my chest.) She said this complication is common in women without much body fat. It was not in any of the pictures you showed me of mastectomy victims, even the thin ones. She said because there is no breast tissue between the implant and the skin, the folds in the implant show through. (I am confused; I thought mine was submuscular.)

I was adamant that I wanted to see you. I made the appointment with you. She was just as insistent that I was NOT going to see you. She was very professional, but cold and calloused. I remained calm and treated her with respect.

I asked her about options for revision for this complication; about the fat liposuction. She frowned and shook her head. She told me that doesn’t work. The grooves and ripples are too deep and numerous. The fat tends to migrate and move, eventually being ineffective.  I asked about other options. There were none. In her opinion I had a “fairly” good reconstruction and should go away and be happy. I was hearing a lot of negativity. I left without a glimmer of hope.

Again, I asked to see you. I made the appointment with you. I need to know the plan of action and discuss with you my options and what kind of results I can reasonably expect. I have to be my own advocate. I have no one else to speak for me. I want to be your partner in this decision. I am not just case #999, another 59 year old, white woman, with a missing breast. I expect to be treated with empathy and caring. On Oct. 25th, I was not.

She offered to let me see you in an hour. I had already missed a half a day of work; time for which I am not paid. I declined and asked for a phone call from you. I also left you a phone message requesting a call back. I did not hear back.

The purpose of reconstruction is to help the woman recover her self esteem, her confidence, a sense of self worth and to repair her disfigured body. Instead, I am despondent and anguished.

I used to be a happy person, extroverted and fun. I used to look good naked. I enjoyed having my partner look at me. Now, I am depressed and withdrawn. I am a recluse. I don’t smile or make eye contact with other people. I feel hideous and ugly. If I were with a man I would be ashamed to take off my shirt. I am afraid he would laugh at me or be repulsed. I want to be that happy, whole woman I once was.

 I think the implant needs to be pulled back up, repositioned and secured under the muscle. I followed your orders to the letter!  I wore the Ace bandage for two weeks, 24/7. I wear a soft bra now, no underwire. And I NEVER touch my implant now.

When can I wear a sports bra and work out more strenuously? With light free weights, 5#? Also, when can I expect the pain to subside? It is low grade but it is constant.

If you prefer to not treat me, please give me three names of the second best plastic surgeons in Orlando. I need to find one on my insurance.

When you are over scheduled, please have your staff give me a courtesy call and reschedule. I am reasonable, I understand it gets busy. I would have rather rescheduled.

Please call me at 425-761-2319.

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